Tips On Talking To Kids About Not Smoking

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Any time parents spend with their kids can be a good time to talk about not smoking cigarettes–and if it seems hard to find the time, maybe it’s a good idea for parents to set a date.

Tips On Talking To Kids About Not Smoking

Any time parents spend with their kids can be a good time to talk about not smoking cigarettes-and if it seems hard to find the time, maybe it’s a good idea for parents to set a date.

It’s important to set up special times to talk to your kids about critical issues like not smoking, says Dr. Michael Popkin, a parenting expert.

Because he knows how hard it can be to get the conversation started, Popkin supports a new initiative, Pledge to Talk, which provides parents with a ready-made opportunity. Talk Early, Talk Often, Lorillard Tobacco Company’s Youth Smoking Prevention Program, offers free movie vouchers to parents who Pledge To Talk to their kids about not smoking.

“The movie vouchers aren’t just a reward; they will help set the stage for an intimate conversation between a parent and a child,” says Popkin. “Any chance you have to bring up the no-smoking message is a good one, even on your way to and from the theater. Parents who Pledge to Talk at KeepKidsFrom will get movie vouchers that can be redeemed at the box office for free admission.”

Each parent will receive a voucher good for one adult and one child admission while supplies last. Those interested should log on early since quantities are limited.

Those who Pledge to Talk will receive the movie vouchers as well as a special tip sheet with helpful conversation starters.

“Parents often ask me what moment is best for talking to kids about not smoking,” said Dr. Popkin. “Although there are certainly things they can do (and avoid) to make talks more effective, any time is a good time to talk. Talks can happen on the way to school or a movie. They can happen at mealtime or bedtime. The important thing is that they happen-at an early age and often enough for the message to stick.”