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Most people want to do their part to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save on their energy bills, but don’t know what they can do. Using energy efficiently at home is an important start, and, it can be as easy as changing a light bulb.
Change A Light, Change The World With Energy Star
Most people want to do their part to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save on their energy bills, but don’t know what they can do. Using energy efficiently at home is an important start; and, it can be as easy as changing a light bulb. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy (DOE) are calling on Americans to join the growing number of individuals switching their current lighting to energy-efficient light bulbs and fixtures.
Many people don’t realize it, but the average home is responsible for twice as many greenhouse gas emissions as the average car. In fact, if every American home replaced its five most frequently used light fixtures or the bulbs in them with ENERGY STAR qualified ones, the amount of greenhouse gases we could prevent is equivalent to the emissions from more than 8 million cars. Not only does energy-efficient lighting help protect the environment, but it also saves consumers money since lighting accounts for nearly 20 percent of home electricity costs. Each home making this “5 light fixture change” could save about $60 a year in energy costs.
As part of the annual ENERGY STAR Change a Light, Change the World Campaign, the EPA and DOE have declared Oct. 4, 2006 “ENERGY STAR Change a Light Day.” Americans are invited to take a pledge online at energy star.gov/changealight and commit to replace at least one incandescent bulb or fixture in their home with one that has earned the government’s ENERGY STAR for energy efficiency. Individuals who have pledged are already having a dramatic combined impact. Pledges taken in 2005 alone will result in the reduction of 33 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. The goal is to encourage at least 500,000 individuals to join the community and take the ENERGY STAR Change a Light Pledge. This is a step in the right direction, to ensure that our children have a bright future ahead.
ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program helping individuals and businesses save energy and protect the environment through superior energy efficiency.