Bad Credit Auto Loan Refinance – Should You Refinance With Bad Credit?

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Should you refinance with bad credit? Yes, but only if you can get a savings with a lower rate or need a more manageable monthly payment. Luckily, with so many lenders competing for your business, you can often find good rates and terms for bad credit auto refinance loans.

Has Your Credit Score Improved?

If your credit score has improved since you originally financed your auto loan, then you probably qualify for better rates. Fortunately, time is your chief ally when it…

auto loan refinance, bad credit

Should you refinance with bad credit? Yes, but only if you can get a savings with a lower rate or need a more manageable monthly payment. Luckily, with so many lenders competing for your business, you can often find good rates and terms for bad credit auto refinance loans.

Has Your Credit Score Improved?

If your credit score has improved since you originally financed your auto loan, then you probably qualify for better rates. Fortunately, time is your chief ally when it comes to seeing your credit score improve. Two years after a negative event, like a bankruptcy or foreclosure, and it ceases to have a significant impact on your score.

Improvements in your income, investments, and cash reserves can also increase your score. Reductions in your overall debt levels will also boost your score.

Have You Compared Auto Loan Rates Recently?

The only way to see if you can get a better deal on your auto loan is to compare loan quotes. In a few minutes you can have multiple offers from broker sites. You can also research rates lender by lender.

Regardless of which strategy you choose, request quotes without giving access to your credit report. Otherwise, you will see a dip in your score due to multiple credit inquires. When requesting loan estimates, makes sure you specify that you want a refi loan.

Will You See A Savings Or Benefit?

Even with a really good loan offer, you need to make sure you will see a savings from refinancing. Take your best loan offer and calculate the cost of both interest and fees. Compare that to the remaining interest due on your auto loan.

If you have a short amount of time left, you may find that even with lower rates, you won’t see a savings. However, there are times when you may still choose to refinance. For instance, you can lower your monthly payment by extending your loan term. You may also choose to refinance after a divorce in order to keep the car in your name.

Refinancing a car loan is a decision that should be based on good information. Check loan offers and compare it to your current loan. Then you can decide what is your best option.